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Management Board

Board of the Association of Friends

The Board of the Association of Friends of Clausthal University of Technology is made up of up to 45 members, most of whom hold or have held management positions in industry. The board is elected by the members of the association for a term of three years. Eight members of the board form the executive board, which coordinates the operational work of the association. The Executive Board usually meets twice a year with the full Board of Directors to discuss all matters relating to the association and prepare resolutions for the General Meeting.

Dipl.-Ing. Cornelia Rebbereh


Patentanwältin und European Patent Attorney

Honorarprofessor Dr.-Ing. Jens Traupe

1. Stellvertretender Vorsitzender

Salzgitter AG
Leiter Klima-, Umwelt- und Energiepolitik

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katarzyna Kapustka

2. Stellvertretende Vorsitzende

Hochschule Koblenz
Professorin für Sustainability in Engineering and Management

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Mecke


Salzgitter AG
Projektsprecher SALCOS®

Dipl.-Ing. Jochen Schlüter



Prof. Dr. Heike Schenk-Mathes

Mitglied des Vorstands

Technische Universität Clausthal
Professorin am Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Vizepräsidentin für Gleichstellung, Internationales